Lewin.nu Authentication

The Lewin.nu system aims to use the Kerberos 5 standard for all authentication. The Kerberos 5 standard is integrated in Windows 2000+, and is available under Linux in at least two implementation: Heimdal and MIT krb5. The Kerberos domain is LEWIN.NU.

Firewall information

The Kerberos authentication protocol uses port 88, with tcp and udp.

You may also want to use UDP port 4444, for the krb524 service which converts version 5 tickets to version 4. This is required if you want to use AFS file sharing.

Windows Kerberos Installation

To get a Windows machine to authenticate against the Kerberos server, follow these instructions (from MIT): For Windows XP, download the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools from Microsoft to get the KSETUP.EXE and KTPASS.EXE tools.

Download the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools from Microsoft to get the KerbTray and KList tools. This file is supported under Windows XP.

Run the following commands:

(If the machines is to authenticate with LEWIN.NU at login:)
KSETUP /SetComputerPassword 
KSETUP /MapUser * *
Now, create the host principal on the Kerberos server.
kadmin> ank -pw password host/datan
kadmin> ank -pw password host/datan.lewin.nu
kadmin> ank -pw password cifs/datan
kadmin> ank -pw password cifs/datan.lewin.nu

Download and install Kerberos For Windows (KfW) from MIT


Adding a service principal

kadin> add --random-key tivo
Max ticket life [1 day]:1 week
Max renewable life [1 week]:
Principal expiration time [never]:
Password expiration time [never]:
Attributes []:
kadmin> ext --keytab=/srv/tivo/keytab tivo

This creates the Kerberos principal 'tivo', with a random key, and then stores the key info in /srv/tivo/keytab.

A script can then get a kerberos token by running:

kauth -k -t keytab --renewable -l 24h --afslog tivo@LEWIN.NU

See the /srv/slimp/slimp-afs-login.sh script for a simple script which loops forever renewing the ticket every 8 hours.

Other stuff

For any user that should be able to su root, add a /root@LEWIN.NU kerberos principal, and add the user in /home/.k5login

To authenticate for AFS, use the new Network Identity Manager software, from MIT I think. You also need an AFS plugin for it from Secure Endpoints, Inc. I think it should be set to use the Krb524 method to do AFS authentication.