Subversion Administration

Subversion is a source code version control system.

The repositories are stored under /usr/local/src/svn.

Creating a subversion repository

svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /usr/local/src/svn/<repository name>

Then add a section to the web server's configuration file for the repository.

For example, add the following inside a VirtualHost section:

<Location /uploader>
DAV svn
SVNPath /usr/local/src/svn/<repository path>

AuthName "Authentication Realm name"
AuthType Kerberos
KrbAuthRealms LEWIN.NU
KrbVerifyKDC on
Krb5Keytab /etc/httpd/http.keytab
# access control. List users or do a require valid-user
Require user <user name>@LEWIN.NU <user2>@LEWIN.NU

Adding a project to the repository

DAV svn
SVNPath /usr/local/src/svn/

AuthName ""
AuthType Kerberos
KrbAuthRealms LEWIN.NU
# Option below should be changed to on when everything works.
KrbVerifyKDC on
Krb5Keytab /etc/httpd/http.keytab

Require user erl@LEWIN.NU mst@LEWIN.NU

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